Version: 2023.2
  • C#


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public void InverseTransformDirections(Span<Vector3> directions);


directions The directions to be transformed, each is replaced by the transformed version.


Transforms multiple directions from world space to local space overwriting each original position with the transformed version. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirections.

This operation is not affected by scale or position of the transform. The transformed vectors have the same lengths as the originals.

If you need the inverse operation to transform from local space to world space you can use Transform.TransformDirections

You should use Transform.InverseTransformPoints if the vectors represent positions in space rather than directions.

See Also:Transform.InverseTransformDirection, Transform.TransformDirections, Transform.InverseTransformPoints, Transform.InverseTransformVectors.


public void InverseTransformDirections(ReadOnlySpan<Vector3> directions, Span<Vector3> transformedDirections);


directions The directions to be transformed, these vectors are not modified by the function unless the transformedDirections span overlaps.
transformedDirections Receives the transformed directions, must be the same length as the directions span otherwise an exception will be thrown. If this span overlaps directions other than representing the exact same elements the behaviour is undefined.


Transforms multiple directions from world space to local space writing the transformed positions to a possibly different location. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirections.

This operation is not affected by scale or position of the transform. The transformed vectors have the same lengths as the originals.

If you need the inverse operation to transform from local space to world space you can use Transform.TransformDirections

You should use Transform.InverseTransformPoints if the vectors represent positions in space rather than directions.

See Also:Transform.InverseTransformDirection, Transform.TransformDirections, Transform.InverseTransformPoints, Transform.InverseTransformVectors.

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