Version: 2023.2
  • C#


class in UnityEngine.UIElements


Inherits from:UIElements.CallbackEventHandler


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule

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Base class for objects that can get the focus.

The focus is used to designate an element that will receive keyboard events.


canGrabFocus Return true if the element can be focused.
delegatesFocus Whether the element should delegate the focus to its children.
focusable True if the element can be focused.
focusController Return the focus controller for this element.
tabIndex An integer used to sort focusables in the focus ring. Must be greater than or equal to zero.

Public Methods

Blur Tell the element to release the focus.
Focus Attempt to give the focus to this element.

Inherited Members

Public Methods

HasBubbleUpHandlers Return true if event handlers for the event propagation BubbleUp phase have been attached on this object.
HasTrickleDownHandlers Returns true if event handlers, for the event propagation TrickleDown phase, are attached to this object.
RegisterCallback Adds an event handler to the instance. If the event handler has already been registered for the same phase (either TrickleDown or BubbleUp) then this method has no effect.
RegisterCallbackOnce Adds an event handler to the instance. If the event handler has already been registered for the same phase (either TrickleDown or BubbleUp) then this method has no effect. The event handler is automatically unregistered after it has been invoked exactly once.
SendEvent Sends an event to the event handler.
UnregisterCallback Remove callback from the instance.

Protected Methods

HandleEventBubbleUp Executes logic on this element during the BubbleUp phase, immediately before this element's BubbleUp callbacks. Calling StopPropagation will prevent further invocations of this method along the propagation path.
HandleEventTrickleDown Executes logic on this element during the TrickleDown phase, immediately after this element's TrickleDown callbacks. Calling StopPropagation will prevent further invocations of this method along the propagation path.
NotifyPropertyChanged Informs the data binding system that a property of a control has changed.
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