Version: 2023.2
  • C#


class in Unity.Android.Gradle


Inherits from:Unity.Android.Gradle.BaseBlock

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The C# definition of the android element in a gradle file.

The main block that contains all Android-specific build options. For more information about the element, see Android's documentation: Android Gradle plugin API


AaptOptionsA C# definition of the aaptOptions element in a gradle file.
AfterEvaluateThe C# definition of the AfterEvaluate element in a gradle file.
AndroidComponentsThe C# definition of the androidComponents element in a gradle file.
AssetPacksThe C# definition of the assetPacks property.
BuildToolsVersionThe C# definition of the buildToolsVersion property.
BuildTypesThe C# definition of the buildTypes element in a gradle file.
CompileOptionsThe C# definition of the compileOptions element in a gradle file.
CompileSdkVersionThe C# definition of the compileSdkVersion property.
DefaultConfigThe C# definition of the defaultConfig property.
ExternalNativeBuildThe C# definition of the externalNativeBuild element in a gradle file.
FlavorDimensionsThe C# definition of the flavorDimensions property.
LintOptionsThe C# definition of the lintOptions element in a gradle file.
NdkPathThe C# definition of the ndkPath property.
PackagingOptionsThe C# definition of the packagingOptions element in a gradle file.
ProductFlavorsThe C# definition of acustom productFlavor element in a gradle file.
SigningConfigsThe C# definition of the signingConfigs element in a gradle file. This element is a block and contains signingConfig elements.
SourceSetsThe C# definition of the sourceSets property.


AndroidElement constructor.

Inherited Members

Public Methods

AddElementAdds a new element as a child.
ClearClears the content of this element.
GetElementGets an element by ID.
GetElementsGets all custom child elements.
GetNameGets the name of the block. In some cases, the name is the signature of the function.
GetRawGets the raw value of this block.
GetUniqueNameGets the unique name of the element.
RemoveElementRemoves a child element by id.
SetRawSets a raw string value to this block.
ToStringGets a serialized value from this block.
AddElementDependenciesAdds a list of dependencies by ID to this element.
AddElementDependencyAdds a dependency to this element.
GetElementDependenciesIDsGets a read-only list of element IDs that this element depends on.
GetIDGets the unique ID of this element.
RemoveRemoves this element from the file.
RemoveAllElementDependenciesRemove all element dependencies.
RemoveElementDependencyRemove an element dependency.
RemoveElementDependencyByIdRemove an element dependency by ID.
ResolveConflictResolve a conflict if another script has already modified the element.
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