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class in UnityEngine.Networking

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Container class for networking system built-in message types.

Static Variables

AddPlayerInternal networking system message for adding player objects to client instances.
AnimationInternal networking system message for sending synchronizing animation state.
AnimationParametersInternal networking system message for sending synchronizing animation parameter state.
AnimationTriggerInternal networking system message for sending animation triggers.
CommandInternal networking system message for sending a command from client to server.
ConnectInternal networking system message for communicating a connection has occurred.
CRCInternal networking system message for HLAPI CRC checking.
DisconnectInternal networking system message for communicating a disconnect has occurred,.
ErrorInternal networking system message for communicating an error.
HighestThe highest value of built-in networking system message ids. User messages must be above this value.
InternalHighestThe highest value of internal networking system message ids. User messages must be above this value. User code cannot replace these handlers.
LobbyAddPlayerFailedInternal networking system message for communicating failing to add lobby player.
LobbyReadyToBeginInternal networking system message for communicating a player is ready in the lobby.
LobbyReturnToLobbyInternal networking system messages used to return the game to the lobby scene.
LobbySceneLoadedInternal networking system message for communicating a lobby player has loaded the game scene.
LocalChildTransformInternal networking system message for sending tranforms for client object from client to server.
LocalClientAuthorityInternal networking system message for setting authority to a client for an object.
LocalPlayerTransformInternal networking system message for sending tranforms from client to server.
NetworkInfoInternal networking system message for sending information about network peers to clents.
NotReadyInternal networking system message for server to tell clients they are no longer ready.
ObjectDestroyInternal networking system message for destroying objects.
ObjectHideInternal networking system message for hiding objects.
ObjectSpawnInternal networking system message for spawning objects.
ObjectSpawnSceneInternal networking system message for spawning scene objects.
OwnerInternal networking system message for telling clients they own a player object.
ReadyInternal networking system message for clients to tell server they are ready.
RemovePlayerInternal networking system message for removing a player object which was spawned for a client.
RpcInternal networking system message for sending a ClientRPC from server to client.
SceneInternal networking system message that tells clients which scene to load when they connect to a server.
SpawnFinishedInternal networking system messages used to tell when the initial contents of a scene is being spawned.
SyncEventInternal networking system message for sending a SyncEvent from server to client.
SyncListInternal networking system message for sending a USyncList generic list.
UpdateVarsInternal networking system message for updating SyncVars on a client from a server.


Networking.MsgTypeInternal networking system message for overriding a local player transform.
Networking.MsgTypeInternal networking system message for updating a client transform from a server.

Static Functions

MsgTypeToStringReturns the name of internal message types by their id.
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