Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
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public function Send(msgType: short, msg: Networking.MessageBase): bool;
public bool Send(short msgType, Networking.MessageBase msg);


msgType The id of the message to send.
msg A message instance to send.


bool True if message was sent.


This sends a network message with a message Id to the server. This message is sent on channel zero, which be default is the reliable channel.

The message must be an instance of a class derived from MessageBase.

#pragma strict
class RegisterHostMessage extends MessageBase {
	public var gameName: String;
	public var comment: String;
	public var passwordProtected: boolean;
class MasterClient {
	public var client: NetworkClient;
	public const var RegisterHotsMsgId: short = 888;
	public function RegisterHost(name: srtring) {
		var msg: var = new RegisterHostMessage();
		msg.gameName = name;
		msg.comment = "test";
		msg.passwordProtected = false;
		client.Send(RegisterHotsMsgId, msg);
class RegisterHostMessage : MessageBase
	public string gameName;
	public string comment;
	public bool passwordProtected;


class MasterClient { public NetworkClient client;

public const short RegisterHotsMsgId = 888;

public void RegisterHost(srtring name) { var msg = new RegisterHostMessage(); msg.gameName = name; msg.comment = "test"; msg.passwordProtected = false;

client.Send(RegisterHotsMsgId, msg); } }

The message id passed to Send() is used to identify the handler function to invoke on the server when the message is received.

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