Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
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public static function ConnectToNetworkPeer(hostId: int, address: string, port: int, exceptionConnectionId: int, relaySlotId: int, network: Networking.Types.NetworkID, source: Networking.Types.SourceID, node: Networking.Types.NodeID, bytesPerSec: int, bucketSizeFactor: float, out error: byte): int;
public static int ConnectToNetworkPeer(int hostId, string address, int port, int exceptionConnectionId, int relaySlotId, Networking.Types.NetworkID network, Networking.Types.SourceID source, Networking.Types.NodeID node, int bytesPerSec, float bucketSizeFactor, out byte error);
public static function ConnectToNetworkPeer(hostId: int, address: string, port: int, exceptionConnectionId: int, relaySlotId: int, network: Networking.Types.NetworkID, source: Networking.Types.SourceID, node: Networking.Types.NodeID, out error: byte): int;
public static int ConnectToNetworkPeer(int hostId, string address, int port, int exceptionConnectionId, int relaySlotId, Networking.Types.NetworkID network, Networking.Types.SourceID source, Networking.Types.NodeID node, out byte error);


hostId Id of udp socket used to establish connection.
address IP.
port Port.
exceptionConnectionId Id of exception, default in case 0.
relaySlotId Id of remote peer in relay.
network Guid of relay network.
source Guid of user who want to establish connect (serve as tmp password).
error Possible error.
node Slot id reserved for user.
bucketSizeFactor Allowed peak bandwidth (peak bandwidth = factor*bytesPerSec, recommended value is 2.0) If data has not been sent for a long time, it is allowed to send more data, with factor 2 it is allowed send 2*bytesPerSec bytes per sec.
bytesPerSec Average bandwidth (bandwidth will be throttled on this level).


int ConnectionId on success (otherwise zero).


Create connection to other peer in the relay group.

Similar to NetworkTransport.Connect but via relay server.

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