Currently if you want to build a Windows Store Apps player:
you have to do it on Windows 8.1 or higher when targeting SDK 8.1
you have to do it on Windows 10 or higher when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps SDK.
Unity supports three Windows Store Apps targets:
X86 and ARM (when targeting SDK 8.1)
X86, X64 and ARM (when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps)
There are three configurations (select them is Visual Studio):
Debug for debugging purposes
Release for profiling
Master for submission to store
The player log is located under <user>\AppData\Local\Packages\<productname>\TempState. See also log files.
Things that are not yet supported:
Legacy Network classes (please use current Unity Networking), WWW and UnityWebRequest are supported
GameObject.SendMessage (partially works, but function which accepts the message must match the message sent, because the argument conversion doesn’t work)
You can’t access C# classes from JS scripts unless you check .NET Core Partially in Compilation Overrides in PlayerSettings
Requirements when targeting Windows SDK 8.1/Windows Phone SDK 8.1/Universal SDK 8.1:
For basic testing of Windows SDK 8.1, same PC which is used for development is enough.
For basic testing of Phone 8.1, it’s advisable to acquire a real Windows Phone 8.1 device, because the emulator has a bug with touch input.
Requirements when targeting Universal Windows 10 Apps SDK:
Windows 10.0
Visual Studio 2015 (RTM or later)
Windows 10 Universal SDK
Testing devices:
For basic testing of Windows SDK 10, same PC which is used for development is enough.
For basic testing of Phone 10, it’s advisable to acquire a real Windows Phone 10 device.
Before you can proceed you need to acquire Windows Store developer license, this can be done in two following ways:
Build an empty Windows Store application from Visual Studio and deploy it, if you’re doing this first time, a dialog window for getting developer license should open, follow the steps.