Mask related utility class.
This class provides masking-specific utility functions.
FindRootSortOverrideCanvas | Find a root Canvas. |
GetRectMaskForClippable | Find the correct RectMask2D for a given IClippable. |
GetRectMasksForClip | Search for all RectMask2D that apply to the given RectMask2D (includes self). |
GetStencilDepth | Find the stencil depth for a given element. |
IsDescendantOrSelf | Helper function to determine if the child is a descendant of father or is father. |
Notify2DMaskStateChanged | Notify all IClippables under the given component that they need to recalculate clipping. |
NotifyStencilStateChanged | Notify all IMaskable under the given component that they need to recalculate masking. |