Manager class with API for recognizing user gestures.
GestureRecognizer performs only the minimal disambiguation between the set of gestures that you request. For example, if you request just Tap, the user may hold their finger down as long as they like and a Tap will still occur when the user releases their finger. For more details on the types of gestures available see GestureSettings.
GestureRecognizers will only receive events after StartCapturingGestures is called. StopCapturingGestures can be called again to stop events. This allows for GestureRecognizer to be activated and deactivated on demand such as when a users gaze moves over and away from an object.
GestureRecognizer | Create a GestureRecognizer. |
CancelGestures | Cancels any pending gesture events. Additionally this will call StopCapturingGestures. |
Dispose | Disposes the resources used by gesture recognizer. |
GetRecognizableGestures | Retrieve a mask of the currently enabled gestures. |
IsCapturingGestures | Used to query if the GestureRecognizer is currently receiving Gesture events. |
SetRecognizableGestures | Set the recognizable gestures to the ones specified in newMaskValues and return the old settings. |
StartCapturingGestures | Call to begin receiving gesture events on this recognizer. No events will be received until this method is called. |
StopCapturingGestures | Call to stop receiving gesture events on this recognizer. |
GestureErrorEvent | Fired when a warning or error is emitted by the GestureRecognizer. |
HoldCanceledEvent | Fired when the user does a cancel event either using their hands or in speech. |
HoldCompletedEvent | Fired when users complete a hold gesture. |
HoldStartedEvent | Fired when users start a hold gesture. |
ManipulationCanceledEvent | Fires when a Manipulation gesture is canceled. |
ManipulationCompletedEvent | Fires when a Manipulation gesture is completed. |
ManipulationStartedEvent | Fires when an interaction becomes a Manipulation gesture. |
ManipulationUpdatedEvent | Fires when a Manipulation gesture is updated due to hand movement. |
NavigationCanceledEvent | Fires when a Navigation gesture is canceled. |
NavigationCompletedEvent | Fires when a Navigation gesture is completed. |
NavigationStartedEvent | Fires when an interaction becomes a Navigation gesture. |
NavigationUpdatedEvent | Fires when a Navigation gesture is updated due to hand or controller movement. |
RecognitionEndedEvent | Fires when recognition of gestures is done, either due to completion of a gesture or cancellation. |
RecognitionStartedEvent | Fires when recognition of gestures begins. |
TappedEvent | Occurs when a Tap gesture is recognized. |
GestureErrorDelegate | Callback indicating an error or warning occurred. |
HoldCanceledEventDelegate | Callback indicating a cancel event. |
HoldCompletedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a hold completed event. |
HoldStartedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a hold started event. |
ManipulationCanceledEventDelegate | Callback indicating a cancel event. |
ManipulationCompletedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a completed event. |
ManipulationStartedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a started event. |
ManipulationUpdatedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a updated event. |
NavigationCanceledEventDelegate | Callback indicating a cancel event. |
NavigationCompletedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a completed event. |
NavigationStartedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a started event. |
NavigationUpdatedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a update event. |
RecognitionEndedEventDelegate | Callback indicating the gesture event has completed. |
RecognitionStartedEventDelegate | Callback indicating the gesture event has started. |
TappedEventDelegate | Callback indicating a tap event. |