Legacy Documentation: Version 5.6 (Go to current version)
Audio Chorus Effect
Audio SFX Reverb Effect
Other Versions

Audio Compressor Effect

The Audio Compressor Effect reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds by narrowing or “compressing” an audio signal’s dynamic range.


Property: Function:
Threshold Threshold level in dB (range 0 to –60dB, default = 0dB).
Attack The rate the effect is applied in ms. (range 10.0 to 200.0 ms, default = 50.0 ms).
Release The rate the effect is released in ms. (range 20.0 to 1000.0 ms, default = 50.0 ms).
Make up gain Make up gain level in dB (range 0 to 30dB, default = 0dB).
Audio Chorus Effect
Audio SFX Reverb Effect
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