Version: 2022.3
Language : English
Drag-and-drop events
Focus events

Layout events

GeometryChangedEvent is currently the only layout event.

The base class for GeometryChangedEvent is the EventBase class.

Event Description Trickles down Bubbles up Cancellable
GeometryChangedEvent Sent when the position or the dimensions of an element changes.

Unique properties

oldRect: The former position and dimensions of the element.

newRect: The new position and dimensions of the element.


The GeometryChangedEvent is sent when either the position or the dimensions of an element changes. Events of this type are only sent to the event target.

It’s important to unregister from the GeometryChangedEvent event after you receive your callback, as additional layout changes will trigger the callback again.

target: The element with a new geometry.

Drag-and-drop events
Focus events
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