After entering play mode and creating persistent data files, any new default inventories and default inventory items will no longer be automatically created at runtime. To work around this, you can delete your local persistent runtime data. As a convenience, we’ve added a menu item Window > Game Foundation > Tools > Delete Local Persistence Data.
If you remove a GameItem at runtime, and it had a StatDetail on it, the related values in the StatManager are not automatically deleted, which could cause unwanted bloat in your persisted runtime data files.
If you remove a CurrencyDetail from an InventoryItem, and if that InventoryItem is used as a default item in the Wallet, it is not removed from the Wallet’s default items list, which causes an exception at runtime.
In the editor for StatDetail, sometimes deleting a stat will show an exception in the console. This exception can be ignored.
The Inventory Item category editor allows you to create a non-alphanumeric category name, which will cause errors.
Creating a new category in the inventory window may not save the category properly when closing and reopening the Unity project. If you make other changes to the catalog after creating a new category, then you should avoid this issue.
The Game Foundation editor window UI is not yet updated to look better in Unity 2019.3.x.