The Unity Mobile Notifications package adds support for scheduling local one-time or repeatable notifications on Android and iOS.
- Compatible with Unity 2020.3 or above.
- Compatible with Android 5 (API 21) and iOS 10.0+.
- Requires Android SDK with API level 31 or higher.
- Requires Xcode with SDK for iOS 15.2 or newer.
Supported features
The runtime notification APIs are split into two parts for both Android and iOS. These APIs can be used to schedule and manage notifications as listed below:
- Schedule local one-time or repeatable notifications.
- Cancel already displayed and upcoming (scheduled) notifications.
- Android:
- Create and modify notification channels (categories) on Android 8.0 (Oreo) and above.
- Preserve notifications when the device restarts.
- Set custom notification icons.
- iOS:
- Use the Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) to receive remote notifications.
- Modify remote notification content if the device receives notifications from other apps while your app is running.
- Group notifications into threads (only supported on iOS 12+).
- Add attachments to notifications.
- Support for notification actions.
To install the Mobile Notification package, please follow the instructions in the Package Manager documentation.