Version: 2020.3


public void AddBlendShapeFrame (string shapeName, float frameWeight, Vector3[] deltaVertices, Vector3[] deltaNormals, Vector3[] deltaTangents);


shapeName 要将帧添加到其中的混合形状的名称。
frameWeight 所添加的帧的权重。
deltaVertices 所添加的帧的增量顶点。
deltaNormals 所添加的帧的增量法线。
deltaTangents 所添加的帧的增量切线。



If blend shape name does not exist, then a new blend shape is created. Blend shape frames can only be added to a new bland shape, or the last blend shape. Usually there will be a single frame for a blend shape, but the range of blending [0-100%] may be split into multiple frames. Weight is assumed to be 100% when a shape only has one frame. Frame must be added in an increasing weight order for blend shapes having multiple frames. deltaVertices, deltaNormals and deltaTangents arrays must be of size = Mesh.vertexCount. Substract Mesh vertices, normals or tangents to convert from frame full vectors to get deltas. deltaNormals or deltaTangents may be set to null if there are no normals or tangents for a frame.

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