Version: 2020.3
public static PackageManager.Requests.SearchRequest SearchAll ();
public static PackageManager.Requests.SearchRequest SearchAll (bool offlineMode);


offlineMode Specifies whether or not the Package Manager requests the latest information about the project's packages from the remote Unity package registry. When offlineMode is true, the PackageInfo objects returned by the Package Manager contain information obtained from the local package cache, which could be out of date.


SearchRequest 一个 SearchRequest 实例,可用于监控异步操作,并在操作完成时获取结果。


在 Unity 包注册表中搜索与当前 Unity 版本兼容的所有包。

This operation issues a request to the official Unity package registry.
Note: Make sure any other Client operations have completed before calling this method. For more information, see the note on the Client class reference page.

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