Version: 2023.1


public static Android.DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperation DownloadAssetPackAsync (string[] assetPackNames);


assetPackNames The array of names of Android asset packs to download.


DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperation Returns an object that represents the download operation. If you yield this object inside a coroutine, the coroutine pauses until the operation is complete.


Downloads Android asset packs.

This method directly wraps Google's PlayCore plugin API. If the PlayCore plugin is missing, calling this method throws an InvalidOperationException exception. See Also: DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperation, AndroidAssetPackInfo, AndroidAssetPacks.CancelAssetPackDownload, AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackPath, AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackStateAsync, AndroidAssetPacks.RemoveAssetPack, AndroidAssetPacks.RequestToUseMobileDataAsync.

public static void DownloadAssetPackAsync (string[] assetPackNames, Action<AndroidAssetPackInfo> callback);


assetPackNames The array of names of Android asset packs to download.
callback The callback method to inform about download progress. It gets called multiple times for each asset pack during its download. The callback method must have a parameter of AndroidAssetPackInfo type. The default value is null.


Downloads Android asset packs.

This method directly wraps Google's PlayCore plugin API. If the PlayCore plugin is missing, calling this method throws an InvalidOperationException exception. See Also: AndroidAssetPackInfo, AndroidAssetPacks.CancelAssetPackDownload, AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackPath, AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackStateAsync, AndroidAssetPacks.RemoveAssetPack, AndroidAssetPacks.RequestToUseMobileDataAsync.

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