Version: 2023.1


public CubemapArray (int width, int cubemapCount, TextureFormat textureFormat, bool mipChain);
public CubemapArray (int width, int cubemapCount, TextureFormat textureFormat, bool mipChain, bool linear= false, bool createUninitialized= false);
public CubemapArray (int width, int cubemapCount, TextureFormat textureFormat, int mipCount, bool linear);
public CubemapArray (int width, int cubemapCount, TextureFormat textureFormat, int mipCount, bool linear, bool createUninitialized= false);


cubemapCount 该立方体贴图数组中的元素数。
linear 纹理是否包含非颜色数据(即,采样时不进行任何颜色空间转换)?默认为 false。
width Width of each cubemap face.
textureFormat Format of the cubemaps.
mipChain Should mipmaps be generated ?
mipCount Amount of mipmaps to generate.
createUninitialized Use this flag to create the texture with uninitialized data. When overriding all texels anyway, this can lead to improved performance and reduced memory usage.



Enable createUninitialized to make the texture reference uninitialized data (both on the CPU and GPU). When overriding all texels, this can lead to improved performance and reduced memory usage during construction. Note that sampling an uninitialized texture gives unpredictable values.

在创建该立方体贴图后,您通常想要设置其颜色。 使用 SetPixelsSetPixels32Graphics.CopyTexture 函数来进行此设置。

Note that this class does not support CubemapArray creation with a Crunch compression TextureFormat.

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