Version: 2023.2




Symlink sources when generating the project. This is useful if you're changing source files inside the generated project and want to bring the changes back into your Unity project or a package.

This option affects sources in both Unity projects and packages.

Only the following platforms support this option:

iOS: When symlinkSources is enabled, Unity creates symlinks for libraries (libil2cpp.a, libiPhone-lib.a, etc.). This means you don't need to copy the libraries. Sources with .mm, .m, .cpp, .c, .h, .swift, and .xib extensions are referenced externally from Xcode project.

Android: When symlinkSources is enabled, Gradle projects references .java and .kt libraries externally rather than copying the source files directly into the project.

See Also: BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer, EditorUserBuildSettings.symlinkSources.

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