Version: 2023.2


class in UnityEditor



SceneView 的图形设置集合。所有图形设置都是布尔值。

更改设置之后,调用 SceneView.RepaintAll 以使用新值重绘场景。


allEnabled是否为此 SceneViewState 启用所有图形设置。
alwaysRefreshWhether to redraw SceneView at a fixed interval.
alwaysRefreshEnabledWhether to redraw SceneView at a fixed interval.
cloudsEnabledWhether the clouds are rendered in this SceneView.
flaresEnabledWhether lens flares render in this SceneView.
fogEnabledWhether fog renders in this SceneView.
fxEnabledWhether to render (when enabled) effects in this SceneView.
imageEffectsEnabledWhether image effects (post processing) render in this SceneView.
particleSystemsEnabled在此 SceneView 中是否进行粒子系统渲染。
showCloudsWhether the clouds are rendered in this SceneView.
showFlaresWhether lens flare rendering is enabled in this SceneView.
showFogWhether fog rendering is enabled in this SceneView.
showImageEffectsWhether image effects (post processing) rendering is enabled in this SceneView.
showParticleSystemsWhether particle systems rendering is enabled in this SceneView.
showSkyboxWhether the skybox rendering is enabled in this SceneView.
showVisualEffectGraphsWhether visual effect graphs rendering is enabled in this SceneView.
skyboxEnabled在此 SceneView 中是否进行天空盒渲染。
visualEffectGraphsEnabledWhether visual effect graphs render in this SceneView.


SceneView.SceneViewState使用默认值或来自其他 SceneViewState 的值创建新 SceneViewState。


SetAllEnabled对于此 SceneViewState,将所有图形设置均设置为 true 或 false。
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