Social API 是 Unity 访问如下社交功能的关键点:
此 API 为不同的社交后端(例如 GameCenter )提供了统一的接口,主要供程序员在游戏项目中使用。
Social API 主要是一个异步 API,典型的用法是进行函数调用并该函数完成时注册回调。异步函数可能具有副作用,例如在 API 中填充某些状态变量,并且回调可能包含要处理的服务器数据。
Social 类位于 UnityEngine 命名空间中,因此该类始终可用,但其他 Social API 类保存在它们自己的命名空间 (UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms) 中。此外,Social API 的实现位于子命名空间(如 SocialPlatforms.GameCenter)中。
Here is an example of how to use the Social API:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
public class SocialExample : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
// Authenticate and register a ProcessAuthentication callback
// This call needs to be made before we can proceed to other calls in the Social API
Social.localUser.Authenticate (ProcessAuthentication);
// This function gets called when Authenticate completes
// Note that if the operation is successful, Social.localUser will contain data from the server.
void ProcessAuthentication (bool success) {
if (success) {
Debug.Log ("Authenticated, checking achievements");
// Request loaded achievements, and register a callback for processing them
Social.LoadAchievements (ProcessLoadedAchievements);
Debug.Log ("Failed to authenticate");
// This function gets called when the LoadAchievement call completes
void ProcessLoadedAchievements (IAchievement[] achievements) {
if (achievements.Length == 0)
Debug.Log ("Error: no achievements found");
Debug.Log ("Got " + achievements.Length + " achievements");
// You can also call into the functions like this
Social.ReportProgress ("Achievement01", 100.0, result => {
if (result)
Debug.Log ("Successfully reported achievement progress");
Debug.Log ("Failed to report achievement");
For more info on the Social API, see Social API Scripting Reference