Version: 2017.3


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public StateMachineBehaviour AddEffectiveStateMachineBehaviour (Type stateMachineBehaviourType, Animations.AnimatorState state, int layerIndex);


Adds a state machine behaviour class of type stateMachineBehaviourType to the AnimatorState for layer layerIndex. This function should be used when you are dealing with synchronized layer and would like to add a state machine behaviour on a synchronized layer. C# Users can use a generic version.

Note that there is no RemoveEffectiveStateMachineBehaviour(), to remove a state machine behaviour, use Object.Destroy.

public T AddEffectiveStateMachineBehaviour (Animations.AnimatorState state, int layerIndex);


Versión genérica. Para más detalles, mira la página de Funciones genéricas.

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