Version: 2017.3
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public void DrawRenderers (Experimental.Rendering.FilterResults renderers, ref Experimental.Rendering.DrawRendererSettings drawSettings, Experimental.Rendering.FilterRenderersSettings filterSettings, List<RenderStateMapping> stateMap);


stateBlock Specifies parts of the render state to override.
stateMap Specifies parts of the render state to override for specific render types.
renderers Specifies which set of visible objects to draw.
drawSettings Specifies how to draw the objects.
filterSettings Specifies how the renderers should be further filtered.


Draw subset of visible objects.

If a state block is supplied, the render state will be overridden for all objects drawn during the function call. If a state map is supplied the render state will be overridden for objects where the RenderType of the sub-shader matches a value in the map. If multiple mappings match the first is used. A mapping with renderType set to null will match everything.

See Also: CullResults, FilterResults, DrawRendererSettings, FilterRenderersSettings, RenderStateBlock, RenderStateMapping.

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