public delegatevoid SyncListChanged (Operation<T> op, int itemIndex);


opThe operation that occurred.
itemIndexThe index of the item that was effected.


A delegate that can be populated to recieve callbacks when the list changes.

For example this function is called when the m_ints list changes:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class MyBehaviour : NetworkBehaviour { public SyncListInt m_ints = new SyncListInt();

private void OnIntChanged(SyncListInt.Operation op, int index) { Debug.Log("list changed " + op); }

public override void OnStartClient() { m_ints.Callback = OnIntChanged; } }

It is best to populate the delagate during the OnStartClient() callback function. Doing it earlier can lead to it being lost when the initial list value is applied.

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