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public static WSA.Tile CreateOrUpdateSecondary (WSA.SecondaryTileData data);
public static WSA.Tile CreateOrUpdateSecondary (WSA.SecondaryTileData data, Vector2 pos);
public static WSA.Tile CreateOrUpdateSecondary (WSA.SecondaryTileData data, Rect area);


dataThe data used to create or update secondary tile.
posThe coordinates for a request to create new tile.
areaThe area on the screen above which the request to create new tile will be displayed.

Valor de retorno

Tile New Tile object, that can be used for further work with the tile.


Creates new or updates existing secondary tile.

TileId is required to be set in data, displayName is required when creating and can not be updated. When used to create new tile, this function displays a request on the screen. Tile will be created if user agrees to pin it to start screen.

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