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This enumerated type describes various navigational options that your app can use to receive route data from the Maps app. The values are flags, meaning they can be combined with | operator.


NoneNo Maps routing information is necessary.
AirplaneProvide routing information for airplane travel.
BikeProvide routing information for bicycle travel.
BusProvide routing information for bus travel.
CarProvide routing information for car travel.
FerryProvide routing information for ferry travel.
PedestrianProvide routing information for pedestrian travel.
RideSharingProvide routing information for ride sharing travel.
StreetCarProvide routing information for street car travel.
SubwayProvide routing information for subway travel.
TaxiProvide routing information for taxi travel.
TrainProvide routing information for train travel.
OtherProvide routing information for other types of travel.
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