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Use this format usages to figure out the capabilities of specific GraphicsFormat

Each graphics card may not support all usages across formats. Use SystemInfo.IsFormatSupported to check which usages the graphics card supports.

See Also: Texture2D, texture assets.


SampleUse this to create and sample textures.
LinearUse this to sample textures with a linear filter
RenderUse this to create and render to a rendertexture.
BlendUse this to blend on a rendertexture.
LoadStoreUse this to perform resource load and store on a texture
MSAA2xUse this to create and render to a MSAA 2X rendertexture.
MSAA4xUse this to create and render to a MSAA 4X rendertexture.
MSAA8xUse this to create and render to a MSAA 8X rendertexture.
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