AsyncGPUReadback.RequestIntoNativeArray(ref NativeArray_1, ComputeBuffer)

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outputReference to the NativeArray to write the data into.
srcResource to read the data from.
sizeSize in bytes of the data to be retrieved from the ComputeBuffer.
offsetOffset in bytes in the ComputeBuffer.
mipIndexIndex of the mipmap to be fetched.
dstFormatTarget TextureFormat of the data. Conversion will happen automatically if format is different from the format stored on GPU.
xStarting X coordinate in pixels of the Texture data to be fetched.
widthWidth in pixels of the Texture data to be fetched.
yStarting Y coordinate in pixels of the Texture data to be fetched.
heightHeight in pixels of the Texture data to be fetched.
zStarting Z coordinate in pixels for the Texture3D being retrieved. The index is the start layer for TextureCube, Texture2DArray and TextureCubeArray being retrieved.
depthDepth in pixels for Texture3D being fetched. Number of layers for TextureCube, TextureArray and TextureCubeArray.
callbackOptional delegate System.Action that is called once the request is completed. The completed request is passed as parameter to the System.Action.

Valor de retorno

void Returns an AsyncGPUReadbackRequest that you can use to determine when the data is available. Otherwise, a request with an error is returned.


Retrieves data asynchronously from a GPU resource.

If a request with an error is returned, calling AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.hasError returns true.

For texture data, the extents are checked against the size of the source texture. If graphics QualitySettings are set low enough to generate reduced size textures, then the reduced size must be requested. Use QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit to adjust the width and height (and x,y if required), by bit shifting right.

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