Grid is the base class for plotting a layout of uniformly spaced points and lines.
The Grid component stores dimensional data of the layout of the grid and provides helper functions to retrieve information about the grid, such as the conversion between the cell location and local space location of items within the grid.
The layout of the Grid component is in the XY plane with the origin of the grid always beginning at (0, 0) and the X and Y coordinates of the grid only as positive values.
Implements the interface GridLayout.
cellGap | The size of the gap between each cell in the Grid. |
cellLayout | The layout of the cells in the Grid. |
cellSize | The size of each cell in the Grid. |
cellSwizzle | The cell swizzle for the Grid. |
GetCellCenterLocal | Get the logical center coordinate of a grid cell in local space. |
GetCellCenterWorld | Get the logical center coordinate of a grid cell in world space. |
InverseSwizzle | Does the inverse swizzle of the given position for given swizzle order. |
Swizzle | Swizzles the given position with the given swizzle order. |
enabled | Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. |
isActiveAndEnabled | Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called? |
gameObject | El game object que tiene este componente adjunto. Un componente siempre está adjunto a un game object. |
tag | El tag de este game object. |
transform | The Transform attached to this GameObject. |
cellGap | The size of the gap between each cell in the layout. |
cellLayout | The layout of the cells. |
cellSize | The size of each cell in the layout. |
cellSwizzle | The cell swizzle for the layout. |
BroadcastMessage | Llama al método denominado methodName de todos los MonoBehaviour en este game objecto en cualquiera de sus hijos. |
CompareTag | ¿Este game object está etiquetado con tag? |
GetComponent | Returns the component of Type type if the GameObject has one attached, null if it doesn't. Will also return disabled components. |
GetComponentInChildren | Retorna el componente de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus hijos utilizando depth first search (busqueda de profundidad). |
GetComponentInParent | Retorna el componente de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus padres. |
GetComponents | Retorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Retorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus hijo. |
GetComponentsInParent | Retorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus padres. |
SendMessage | Llama al método denominado methodName en cada MonoBehaviour de este game object. |
SendMessageUpwards | Llama al método denominado methodName en todos los MonoBehaviour de este juego y en todos los ancestros del behaviour. |
TryGetComponent | Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists. |
CellToLocal | Converts a cell position to local position space. |
CellToLocalInterpolated | Converts an interpolated cell position in floats to local position space. |
CellToWorld | Converts a cell position to world position space. |
GetBoundsLocal | Returns the local bounds for a cell at the location. |
GetLayoutCellCenter | Get the default center coordinate of a cell for the set layout of the Grid. |
LocalToCell | Converts a local position to cell position. |
LocalToCellInterpolated | Converts a local position to cell position. |
LocalToWorld | Converts a local position to world position. |
WorldToCell | Converts a world position to cell position. |
WorldToLocal | Converts a world position to local position. |