Version: 2019.4
2D Path
2D PSD Importer

2D Pixel Perfect

com.unity.2d.pixel-perfect 2019.4 verified


The 2D Pixel Perfect package contains the Pixel Perfect Camera component which ensures your pixel art remains crisp and clear at different resolutions, and stable in motion.

It is a single component that makes all the calculations needed to scale the viewport with resolution changes, removing the hassle from the user. The user can adjust the definition of the pixel art rendered within the camera viewport through the component settings, as well preview any changes immediately in Game view by using the Run in Edit Mode feature.

Version information

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are safe to use with Unity version 2019.4:

Documentation location: Versions available:
com.unity.2d.pixel-perfect@2.0 2.0.4

Verified for Unity

Package version 2.0.4 is verified to work with 2019.4.


pixel, perfect, 2D, sprite

2D Path
2D PSD Importer
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