public void DrawProcedural (Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount, int instanceCount, MaterialPropertyBlock properties);
public void DrawProcedural (Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount, int instanceCount);
public void DrawProcedural (Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int vertexCount);


matrixTransformation matrix to use.
materialMaterial to use.
shaderPassWhich pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes).
topologyTopology of the procedural geometry.
vertexCountVertex count to render.
instanceCountInstance count to render.
propertiesAdditional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock.


Add a "draw procedural geometry" command.

When the command buffer executes, this will do a draw call on the GPU, without any vertex or index buffers. This is mainly useful on Shader Model 4.5 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.

In the vertex shader, you'd typically use the SV_VertexID and SV_InstanceID input variables to fetch data from some buffers.

See Also: DrawProceduralIndirect, MaterialPropertyBlock, Graphics.DrawProcedural.

public void DrawProcedural (GraphicsBuffer indexBuffer, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int indexCount, int instanceCount, MaterialPropertyBlock properties);
public void DrawProcedural (GraphicsBuffer indexBuffer, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int indexCount, int instanceCount);
public void DrawProcedural (GraphicsBuffer indexBuffer, Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, int indexCount);


matrixTransformation matrix to use.
materialMaterial to use.
shaderPassWhich pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes).
topologyTopology of the procedural geometry.
indexCountIndex count to render.
instanceCountInstance count to render.
indexBufferThe index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU.
propertiesAdditional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock.


Add a "draw procedural geometry" command.

When the command buffer executes, this will do a draw call on the GPU, without a vertex buffer. This is mainly useful on Shader Model 4.5 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.

In the vertex shader, you'd typically use the SV_VertexID and SV_InstanceID input variables to fetch data from some buffers.

See Also: DrawProceduralIndirect, MaterialPropertyBlock, Graphics.DrawProcedural.

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