Version: 2017.4
public static bool StartBroadcastDiscovery (int hostId, int broadcastPort, int key, int version, int subversion, byte[] buffer, int size, int timeout, out byte error);


hostIdHost ID which should be reported via broadcast (broadcast receivers will connect to this host).
broadcastPortPort used for the broadcast message.
keyKey part of the credentials associated with this broadcast.
versionVersion part of the credentials associated with this broadcast.
subversionSubversion part of the credentials associated with this broadcast.
bufferComplimentary message. This message will delivered to the receiver with the broadcast event.
timeoutSpecifies how often the broadcast message should be sent in milliseconds.
errorError (can be cast to NetworkError for more information).


bool ブロードキャストリクエストが送信された場合、True を返します。


Starts sending a broadcasting message in all local subnets.

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