Version: 2019.1
public void DispatchCompute (ComputeShader computeShader, int kernelIndex, int threadGroupsX, int threadGroupsY, int threadGroupsZ);
public void DispatchCompute (ComputeShader computeShader, int kernelIndex, ComputeBuffer indirectBuffer, uint argsOffset);


computeShader ComputeShader to execute.
kernelIndexKernel index to execute, see ComputeShader.FindKernel.
threadGroupsXx 次元の作業グループ数
threadGroupsYY 次元の作業グループ数
threadGroupsZZ 次元の作業グループ数
indirectBuffer ComputeBuffer with dispatch arguments.
argsOffsetByte offset indicating the location of the dispatch arguments in the buffer.


Add a command to execute a ComputeShader.

When the command buffer executes, a compute shader kernel is dispatched, with work group size either specified directly (see ComputeShader.Dispatch) or read from the GPU buffer (see ComputeShader.DispatchIndirect).

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