Version: 2019.2


class in UnityEditor



このクラスは GUI クラスの機能と同じように動作します。また、EditorGUILayout クラスと機能が一致するよう実装されています。

Static 変数

actionKeyプラットフォームに依存する " Action " する修飾子キーが押されているか。(Read Only)
showMixedValue次のコントロールが与える編集する複数の異なる値の Appearance を作成します。

Static 関数

BeginChangeCheckBeginChangeCheck と EndChangeCheck で囲んだ GUI グループ内の GUI 要素でなんらかの変更がなされたときにアクションを起こすために使用されます。
BeginDisabledGroupBeginDisabledGroup と EndDisabledGroup で囲んだ GUI グループ内の GUI 要素を操作不可にする場合に使用されます。
BeginProperty SerializedPropertyを GUI で管理しやすくするようにするためのプロパティーのラッパーである GUI グループを作成します
BoundsFieldMakes Center and Extents field for entering a Bounds.
BoundsIntFieldMakes Position and Size field for entering a BoundsInt.
CanCacheInspectorGUIGet whether a SerializedProperty's inspector GUI can be cached.
ColorFieldMakes a field for selecting a Color.
CurveFieldMakes a field for editing an AnimationCurve.
DelayedDoubleFieldMakes a delayed text field for entering doubles.
DelayedFloatFieldMakes a delayed text field for entering floats.
DelayedIntFieldMakes a delayed text field for entering integers.
DelayedTextFieldMakes a delayed text field.
DoubleFieldMakes a text field for entering doubles.
DrawRect現在の Editor Window 内の指定された位置とサイズに色で塗りつぶした矩形を描画します。
DropdownButtonMakes a button that reacts to mouse down, for displaying your own dropdown content.
EndChangeCheckBeginChangeCheck () で開始していた変更チェックを終了します。
EndDisabledGroupBeginDisabledGroup で始まった Disabled group を終了します。
EndProperty BeginProperty と開始した Property Wrapper を終了します。
EnumFlagsFieldDisplays a menu with an option for every value of the enum type when clicked. An option for the value 0 with name "Nothing" and an option for the value ~0 (that is, all bits set) with the name "Everything" are always displayed at the top of the menu. The names for the values 0 and ~0 can be overriden by defining these values in the enum type.
EnumPopupMakes an enum popup selection field.
FloatFieldMakes a text field for entering floats.
FoldoutMakes a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.
GetPropertyHeight PropertyField 制御に必要な高さを取得します。
GradientFieldMakes a field for editing a Gradient.
HandlePrefixLabelMakes a label for some control.
HelpBoxMakes a help box with a message to the user.
InspectorTitlebarMakes an inspector-window-like titlebar.
IntFieldMakes a text field for entering integers.
IntPopupMakes an integer popup selection field.
IntSliderMakes a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.
LabelFieldMakes a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)
LayerFieldMakes a layer selection field.
LongFieldMakes a text field for entering long integers.
MaskFieldMakes a field for masks.
MinMaxSliderMakes a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.
MultiFloatFieldMakes a multi-control with text fields for entering multiple floats in the same line.
MultiIntFieldMakes a multi-control with text fields for entering multiple integers in the same line.
MultiPropertyFieldMakes a multi-control with several property fields in the same line.
ObjectFieldMakes an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.
PasswordFieldMakes a text field where the user can enter a password.
PopupMakes a generic popup selection field.
PrefixLabelMakes a label in front of some control.
ProgressBarMakes a progress bar.
PropertyFieldUse this to make a field for a SerializedProperty in the Editor.
RectFieldMakes an X, Y, W, and H field for entering a Rect.
RectIntFieldMakes an X, Y, W, and H field for entering a RectInt.
SelectableLabelMakes a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.)
SliderMakes a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.
TagFieldMakes a tag selection field.
TextAreaMakes a text area.
TextFieldMakes a text field.
ToggleMakes a toggle.
ToggleLeftMakes a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.
Vector2FieldMakes an X and Y field for entering a Vector2.
Vector2IntFieldMakes an X and Y integer field for entering a Vector2Int.
Vector3FieldMakes an X, Y, and Z field for entering a Vector3.
Vector3IntFieldMakes an X, Y, and Z integer field for entering a Vector3Int.
Vector4FieldMakes an X, Y, Z, and W field for entering a Vector4.
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