Version: 2020.1
言語: 日本語
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier rt);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, ComputeBuffer buffer, bool preserveCounterValue);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, ComputeBuffer buffer);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, GraphicsBuffer buffer, bool preserveCounterValue);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, GraphicsBuffer buffer);


index シェーダーのランダム書き込みターゲットのインデックス
buffer Buffer to set as the write target.
preserveCounterValue CounterValue を変更なしに維持するかどうか
rt RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target.


Set random write target for Shader Model 4.5 level pixel shaders.

This is the CommandBuffer equivalent of Graphics.SetRandomWriteTarget. The same limitations nad exceptions applies to this call.

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