Version: 2020.2
言語: 日本語





Enumeration of available modes for XR rendering in the Game view or in the main window on a host PC. XR rendering only occurs when the Unity Editor is in Play Mode.


NoneDisables rendering of any eyes in the Game view or in the main window on a host PC.
LeftEyeRenders the left eye of the XR device in the Game View window or in main window on a host PC.
RightEyeRenders the right eye of the XR device in the Game View window or in main window on a host PC.
BothEyesRenders both eyes of the XR device side-by-side in the Game view or in the main window on a host PC.
OcclusionMeshRenders both eyes of the XR device, and the occlusion mesh, side-by-side in the Game view or in the main window on a host PC.
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