Version: 2021.1
言語: 日本語


public ArticulationReducedSpace (float a);
public ArticulationReducedSpace (float a, float b);
public ArticulationReducedSpace (float a, float b, float c);


a Coordinate of the first degree of freedom.
b Coordinate of the second degree of freedom.
c Coordinate of the third degree of freedom.


Stores coordinates in reduced space.

Used in conjunction with joint parameter accessors in reduced coordinate space, for instance: ArticulationBody.jointPosition.

Currently, an articulation body can have up to three degrees of freedom: a fixed joint has no degrees of freedom; a revolute joint has one rotational degree of freedom -- rotation around the X axis, called twist; a prismatic joint has one translational degree of freedom -- translation along X, Y, or Z axis; a spherical joint has up to three, depending on the amount of unlocked motions. Currently, if only one axis is unlocked, then the amount of degrees of freedom will be reported as 1, and 3 otherwise. The order of axes is as follows: first is twist, then the two swing values.

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