Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語
public void GetIndices (NativeArray<ushort> outIndices, int submesh, bool applyBaseVertex= true);
public void GetIndices (NativeArray<int> outIndices, int submesh, bool applyBaseVertex= true);


outIndices The destination indices array.
submesh The index of the sub-mesh to get the indices for. See subMeshCount.
applyBaseVertex If true, Unity will apply base vertex offset to the returned indices. The default value is true.


Populates an array with the indices for a given sub-mesh from the MeshData.

The destination array must have enough elements to hold the index buffer of the given sub-mesh. See GetSubMesh and SubMeshDescriptor.indexCount. See Also: Mesh.GetIndices, subMeshCount, GetSubMesh.

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