Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語





This enum describes optional flags for the RenderTargetBinding structure.

This enum describes optional flags for the RenderTargetBinding structure.


NoneNo flag option (0).
ReadOnlyDepthThe depth buffer bound for rendering may also bound as a samplable texture to the graphics pipeline: some platforms require the depth buffer to be set to read-only mode in such cases (D3D11, Vulkan). This flag can be used for both packed depth-stencil as well as separate depth-stencil formats.
ReadOnlyStencilThe stencil buffer bound for rendering may also bound as a samplable texture to the graphics pipeline: some platforms require the stencil buffer to be set to read-only mode in such cases (D3D11, Vulkan). This flag can be used for both packed depth-stencil as well as separate depth-stencil formats.
ReadOnlyDepthStencilBoth depth and stencil buffers bound for rendering may be bound as samplable textures to the graphics pipeline: some platforms require the depth and stencil buffers to be set to read-only mode in such cases (D3D11, Vulkan). This flag can be used for both packed depth-stencil as well as separate depth-stencil formats. This flag is a bitwise combination of RenderTargetFlags.ReadOnlyDepth and RenderTargetFlags.ReadOnlyStencil.
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