Version: 2022.2
言語: 日本語





Search column flags are used to set multiple states.


NoneIndicates that no column options are used.
HiddenIndicates that the search column is currently hidden in the Search Table view.
SortedIndicates that the search column in the Search Table view is currently sorted.
SortedDescendingIndicates that the search column in the Search Table view is sorted in descending order. If not defined, it means the column is sorted in ascending order.
TextAlignmentLeftIndicates that the search column in the Search Table view is aligning text to the left.
TextAlignmentCenterIndicates that the search column in the Search Table view is aligning text in the middle.
TextAlignmentRightIndicates that the search column in the Search Table view is aligning text to the right.
CanHideIndicates that the user can manually hide the search column in the Search Table view.
CanSortIndicates that the user can sort the search column in the Search Table view.
DefaultDefines a default set of options for common usages.
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