Version: 2022.2
言語: 日本語





Options for the Profiler metadata type.

Used as a value of ProfilerMarkerData.Type field.


InstanceIdIndicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type int that represents an instance ID of Unity Object.
Int32Indicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type int.
UInt32Indicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type uint.
Int64Indicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type long.
UInt64Indicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type ulong.
FloatIndicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type float.
DoubleIndicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type double.
String16Indicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a char*.
Blob8Indicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a raw byte array.
GfxResourceIdIndicates that ProfilerMarkerData.Ptr points to a value of type ulong that represents a graphics resource.
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