Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語


public CapsulecastCommand (Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius, Vector3 direction, QueryParameters queryParameters, float distance);


p1 カプセルの start にある球形の中心
p2 カプセルの end にある球形の中心
radius カプセルの半径
direction The direction of the capsule cast.
queryParameters Structure for specifying additional parameters for a batch query such as layer mask, hit triggers and hit backfaces.
distance The maximum length of the sweep.


Creates a CapsulecastCommand.

This command is run in the default physics scene.

public CapsulecastCommand (PhysicsScene physicsScene, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius, Vector3 direction, QueryParameters queryParameters, float distance);


physicsScene The physics scene to run the command in.
p1 カプセルの start にある球形の中心
p2 カプセルの end にある球形の中心
radius カプセルの半径
direction The direction of the capsule cast.
queryParameters Structure for specifying additional parameters for a batch query such as layer mask, hit triggers and hit backfaces.
distance The maximum length of the sweep.


Creates a CapsulecastCommand.

Obsolete public CapsulecastCommand (Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius, Vector3 direction, float distance, int layerMask);


p1 カプセルの start にある球形の中心
p2 カプセルの end にある球形の中心
radius カプセルの半径
direction The direction of the capsule cast.
distance The maximum length of the sweep.
layerMask The LayerMask that selectively ignores Colliders when casting a capsule.


Creates a CapsulecastCommand.

This command is run in the default physics scene.

Obsolete public CapsulecastCommand (PhysicsScene physicsScene, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, float radius, Vector3 direction, float distance, int layerMask);


physicsScene The physics scene to run the command in.
p1 カプセルの start にある球形の中心
p2 カプセルの end にある球形の中心
radius カプセルの半径
direction The direction of the capsule cast.
distance The maximum length of the sweep.
layerMask The LayerMask that selectively ignores Colliders when casting a capsule.


Creates a CapsulecastCommand.

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