Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public void SetSearchText (string searchText, Search.TextCursorPlacement moveCursor);
public void SetSearchText (string searchText, Search.TextCursorPlacement moveCursor, int cursorInsertPosition);


searchText Text displayed in the search view.
moveCursor Position of the cursor after setting the search text.


Sets the search query text.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;

static class Example_ISearchView_SetSearchText
    public static void SetInitialText()
        var view = SearchService.ShowContextual("asset");

        // Set the initial text of Search view. By default the whole text of the search query will be selected.
        view.SetSearchText("t:prefab", TextCursorPlacement.MoveLineStart);
        Debug.Assert(view.context.searchText == "t:prefab");

    public static void SetSearchText_WithCursorPosition()
        var view = SearchService.ShowContextual("asset");
        view.SetSearchText("t:material", TextCursorPlacement.MoveLineStart);


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