Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語





Search view flags used to open the Object Picker in various states.


NoneThe Search Picker window will be opened using default options.
DebugThe Search Picker window reports debugging information while running queries.
NoIndexingThe Search Picker window will ignore any indexed search entry while executing the search query.
PackagesThe Search Picker window will include results from packages.
OpenLeftSidePanelThe Search Picker window will open with the Saved Searches panel open.
OpenInspectorPreviewThe Search Picker window will open with the Preview Inspector open.
CenteredThe Object Picker window will open centered in the main Editor window.
HideSearchBarThe Search Picker window will hide the Search field. This means the user will not be able to edit the initial search query used to open the Search window.
CompactViewThe Object Picker window will open in compact list view.
ListViewThe Search Picker window will open in list view.
GridViewThe Search Picker window will open in grid view.
TableViewThe Search Picker window will open in table view.
EnableSearchQueryThis flag enables the use of the Saved Searches workflow in the Search Picker window.
DisableInspectorPreviewThis flag disables the use of the Inspector Preview in the Search Picker window.
DisableSavedSearchQueryWhen creating a new search window, this flag can be used to disable the saved search query side panel.
OpenInBuilderModeThis flag forces the picker to open in builder mode.
OpenInTextModeThis flag forces the picker to open in text mode.
DisableBuilderModeToggleThis flag disables the ability to switch between text mode and builder mode.
BorderlessOpens a search window without any borders. This is useful to open the search window as a popup window for a quick pick.
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