Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語




s The shader the Pass belongs to.
passIdentifier The identifier of a Pass within the given shader.


void Returns an array of LocalKeywords that are valid for the Pass you identify. If the PassIdentifier you use is invalid, this function returns an empty array and Unity displays an error in the Console window.


Gets the local shader keywords that are valid for a Pass within a particular shader.

See Also: Pass.


s The shader the Pass belongs to.
passIdentifier The identifier of a Pass within the given shader.
shaderType The shader stage of the given Pass.


void Returns an array of LocalKeywords that are valid for the given shader stage of the Pass you identify. If the PassIdentifier you use is invalid, this function returns an empty array and Unity displays an error in the Console window. If the shader stage doesn't exist in the pass, this function returns an empty array.


Gets the local shader keywords that are valid for a specified shader stage of a Pass within a particular shader.

See Also: Pass, ShaderType.

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