Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine.XR



Contains configuration parameters about which view into the Scene the renderer should rasterize, and a render target (which can be a texture array) for the result of the rasterization.

An XRRenderPass can contain more than one XRRenderParameter (viewpoints that the render pipeline renders to the output texture as either different viewports or texture array slices). The render pipeline must query each child XRRenderParameter via GetRenderParameter. The most optimal way to implement an XRRenderPass is to cull first, and then submit draw calls once for the resulting objects. You can also use techniques such as instanced rendering to optimize XRRenderPasses that contain more than one XRRenderParameter.

XRRenderPass is typically consumed by a scriptable rendering pipeline.


cullingPassIndexAn index that a render pipeline can pass to XRDisplaySubsystem.GetCullingParameters to obtain culling information.
foveatedRenderingInfoA pointer to a native struct containing platform-specific data for foveated rendering.
hasMotionVectorPassA boolean indicating if this render pass contains a motion-vector generation pass.
motionVectorRenderTargetThe output render-texture target for the motion-vector generation render pass.
motionVectorRenderTargetDescThe render texture description for the target texture for the motion-vector render pass.
renderPassIndexThe index of the render pass (originally passed in to XRDisplaySubsystem.GetRenderPass).
renderTargetThe output target for the render pass.
renderTargetDescDescriptor that can be passed to RenderTexture.GetTemporary to create temporary textures that match the XR Display render target.
shouldFillOutDepthWhen this is false an optimal renderer can avoid resolving the depth buffer.

Public 関数

GetRenderParameterGets an XRRenderParameter for a specific XRRenderPass.
GetRenderParameterCountThe number of XRRenderParameter entries for this XRRenderPass.
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