Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
public string GetTag (string tag, bool searchFallbacks);
public string GetTag (string tag, bool searchFallbacks, string defaultValue);



マテリアルのシェーダーにタグが定義されていない場合、 defaultValue が返されます。

If searchFallbacks is true then this function will look for tag in all subshaders and all fallbacks. If searchFallbacks is false then only the currently used subshader will be queried for the tag.

Using GetTag without searching through fallbacks makes it possible to detect which subshader is currently being used: add a custom tag to each subshader with different value, and query the value at run time. For example, Unity water uses this function to detect when the shader falls back to non-reflective one, and turns off reflection camera in that case.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Attach this to a gameObject that has a renderer.

string materialTag = "RenderType";

void Start() { Renderer rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); string result = rend.material.GetTag(materialTag, true, "Nothing");

if (result == "Nothing") { Debug.LogError(materialTag + " not found in " +; } else { Debug.Log("Tag found!, its value: " + result); } } }
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