Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
public void SetHoles (int xBase, int yBase, bool[,] holes);


xBase First x index of Terrain holes samples to set.
yBase First y index of Terrain holes samples to set.
holes Array of Terrain holes samples to set (array indexed as [y,x]).


Sets an array of Terrain holes samples.

Sets Terrain holes data using a two-dimensional array of Terrain holes samples. The samples are represented as bool values: true for surface and false for hole. The array dimensions define the area affected, which starts at xBase and yBase. The Terrain holes array is indexed as [y,x].

This method recomputes all LOD and vegetation information for the Terrain on each call, which can be computationally expensive. In interactive editing scenarios, it might be better to call TerrainData.SetHolesDelayLOD instead, followed by TerrainData.SyncTexture when the user completes an editing action.

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