Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
public NativeArray<T> GetData ();


NativeArray<T> A reference to an array in native code that provides access to the raw asset data.


Gets raw text asset data.

It works similarly to the bytes property, but TextAsset.GetData doesn't allocate any memory; the NativeArray the function returns points directly to the asset data buffer.

Because this array doesn't represent a new allocation, you don't need to call Dispose on it and the TextAsset.GetData function is the fastest way to access raw asset bytes as a result.

If the text asset is modified or destroyed, the array becomes invalid since it now points to invalid memory.

If the asset data size (see dataSize) isn't a multiple of the size of the T struct, Unity throws an exception.

See Also: bytes, text, dataSize, Text Assets.

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