Version: 5.4
public static Bounds BoundsField (Rect position, Bounds value);
public static Bounds BoundsField (Rect position, GUIContent label, Bounds value);


position 表示位置
label フィールドのラベル
value 編集する値


Bounds ユーザーによって設定された値


Bounds を入力する Center と Extents フィールドを作成します。

Bounds field in an Editor Window.

See also Extending the editor.

	// Simple script that shows radius of bounds of selected MeshFilter

class EditorGUILayoutBoundsField extends EditorWindow {

var radius : float = 0; var bounds : Bounds;

@MenuItem("Examples/Show Radius of mesh bounds") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUILayoutBoundsField); window.Show(); } function OnGUI() { GUILayout.Label("Select a mesh in the Hierarchy view and click 'Capture Bounds'"); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bounds = EditorGUILayout.BoundsField("Mesh bounds:", bounds); if(GUILayout.Button("Capture Bounds") && Selection.activeTransform) { var meshFilter : MeshFilter = Selection.activeTransform.GetComponentInChildren(MeshFilter); if (meshFilter) bounds = meshFilter.sharedMesh.bounds; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Radius:", bounds.size.magnitude.ToString()); if(GUILayout.Button("Close")) this.Close(); } }
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