Version: 5.4
public bool wantsMouseMove ;


このエディターウィンドウの GUI は MouseMove イベントを起こすかどうか

True に設定した場合、ウィンドウの上でマウスが動くたびにウィンドウは OnGUI 呼び出しを受信します。

注意: この関数は Repaint() を自動的に発生しません。

Editor Window that detects mouse moves when the toggle button is activated and the mouse is over the window.

// Editor Script that shows how mouse movement events 
// get caught in the editor window

class WantsMouseMoveEx extends EditorWindow { @MenuItem("Example/wantsMouseMove example") static function InitWindow() { var window : WantsMouseMoveEx = GetWindowWithRect(WantsMouseMoveEx, Rect(0, 0, 300, 300)); } function OnGUI() { wantsMouseMove = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Receive Movement: ", wantsMouseMove); EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Mouse Position: ", Event.current.mousePosition.ToString ()); // Repaint the window as wantsMouseMove doesnt trigger a repaint automatically if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove) Repaint (); } }
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